The Product Team

Rovigo Manucci

Product Manager / UX

“I love creating products that change people’s lives”

Eager for knowledge and challenges, since the beginning of his journey, Rovigo has been involved in every aspect of the product development process, from branding, web development, UI/UX design, up to product management on every entrepreneurship he was involved in.

Originally from Venezuela, he had started multiple entrepreneurship during his career. “Ambiente Dinamico”, his latest initiative was started In Caracas – Venezuela, It was a creative agency specialized in UX consultancy and web development services. It managed multiple small, mid-size and large customer accounts.

Today Rovigo, As a Sr. Product Manager, is helping Xaap, a Fire and Safety Compliance Platform to become the number one application to perform safety inspections around the world, thanks to his understanding of the product life cycle acting as an efficient bridge between the customer needs and development delivering real value.

“My skill set will be leveraged to connect the developers with the business needs, while focusing on the user experience.”

Adam Lloyd


“Highly motivated to create and scale cloud native full stack solutions”

Adam has always been keen to create something of his own, by creating web applications in a freelance capacity and starting several businesses.

Today he focuses his skills and creativity on developing applications in his career as a Senior software engineer for Johnson Controls. He has played a large role in the development of the Xaap application in use today across the US.

His work launching Xaap gave him a solid background in Cloud Native Software Development and the experience of architecting/scaling/maintaining software to meet demands.

His skillset will be leveraged to architect the platform and complete its development in all aspects including deployment and infrastructure.

He works well with Rovigo in our day-to-day job as they balance each other well. Rovigo reaches for the stars and Adam grounds him technically while being pushed to achieve more than initially thought possible.

Joe Whelton

Sr. Developer

“Passionate about problem-solving and bringing creative solutions“

Has over a decade of experience in enterprise software development and support. He has worked across the public and private sectors on high availability projects and is currently employed in the global financial trading sector.

Joe is a friend and former work colleague of Adam and Rovigo and, having a loved one suffering from dementia, was the catalyst for this reimagining of the life story book.

He will be developing the application along with Adam. He adds a wealth of experience in compatibility and front-end development.

Meet the Team